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Picnic Tables, Benches &
POW-MIA walkway/slab

The two Handicapped Picnic Tables and two Benches were part of the Grant Request from the Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation request.

A Big Thanks to Willamette Graystone for receiving the shipment and holding onto them
until they were reading to install when the concrete work was completed.

We also commend Larry Burroughs Construction for more quality concrete work in laying
the four pads for the Tables and Benches as well as the walkway and Star design
around the POW-MIA monument.

Photos Courtesy of Larry West

Photos from the memorial
Blue Star

Grading & Paving

We cannot give enough Thanks 4th District Congressman Peter DeFazio, our Coos County
Commissioners and everyone from our local Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)
for their efforts in the preparation and paving of the Memorial...! 

Hundreds of hours were spent by ODOT management, our Point Man volunteers and the County Road Crew during the process.  It took 340 tons of asphalt to accomplish the task. 

We also received word that the asphalt may be expanded further towards
Hwy 101 in the future when materials and labor are available.

Photos courtesy of Larry West & Rich Hudson

The County/State will soon place a curb on top of the old curbing around the entire asphalt surface.

Curbing is Completed

Photos courtesy of Larry West